iCenit is a modular, cloud-based SaaS platform that utilizes Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools. It predicts accidents/incidents based on probability models and intelligence, providing warnings and prioritizing control actions according to your HSE strategy.

Our digital model, developed by us, is loaded with over a decade of real incident/accident records, investigations, HSE management standards, critical controls, precursors, IPER, etc. It goes through an advanced analysis algorithm that generates risk maps for future activities, based on the highest standard of multicausality analysis.

It is quickly implementable, modular, open, flexible, and highly integrable with existing systems through event logging, investigation assistance, analysis of poor performers, case management, and risk prediction.

It reduces accidents and costs while increasing production, productivity, and operational/construction activity safety.

Javier Pinto Jaén

Co Founder - CEO

+569 8294 7647

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About AndesMETS

AndesMETS is a network of experienced METS companies, successfully servicing the mining industry in the Andes region, currently driving our internationalization into new markets to contribute to a better mining industry for the world.


  • Access to Innovation and guaranteed Quality
  • International Growth
  • Scale & Acceleration
  • Contacts Network
  • Clusters & Synergy
  • Resources & Experiences