When the largest mining companies decide to work with AndesMETS, they don´t only receive World Class Services, Products and Innovation, but they also contribute to creating mutually beneficial value. All the success stories that will fill these pages will be constructed collaboratively between our clients and our current and future members.


Mineral exploration needs to be effective and fast in obtaining concrete results. AndesMETS members innovative equipment for this process with proven success in over 35 markets around the world.

Project Development

Our members have experience working with the biggest mining VP´s from the Andes region, and can add value to your project & contract management SaaS from initial studies, to engineering, building, commissioning and maintenance.

Mining and Extraction

Our members have interesting success stories providing products and services for the mining and extraction sector. You can read and get valuable insight about them here:

FMA SVTH 4000 Vertical Tyre Handler

After 2 years of joint development with BHP Australia, FMA delivered in February 2021 an SVTH 4000 Vertical Tyre Handler, a unique trade-mark design, for the Yandi Mine in Western Australia. The unit is expected to drastically increase safety levels and speed and become a breakthrough in tyre management technology.


Plant Processing

AndesMETS members know that integrating mining processing technologies into new advanced mining systems can offer important benefits, including reduction in waste, increased productivity, and improved resource utilization amongst others

Mine Closure

Mine closure is a dynamic process that must consider environmental, social and economic factors. AndesMETS members fully recognize the crucial relevance of this stage and that of developing solutions to plan, manage and address these risks.


Balmoral has eleven years in the Chilean market providing international logistics services, and has being developing freight transportation services between Australia and Latinamerica since 2019, being Chile as gateway to the Andean region. Now it has initated a process of opening a commercial office in Australia during 2021, which will serve METS companies across the country for the development of its businesses between Australia and Latin America. Organizations such as the Victorian Government Trade and Investment, and Trade Investment Queensland have collaborated in the expansion project, and ProChile, the Chilean government agency in charge of promoting the exportable supply of goods and services, has supported the expansion with shared public and private financing.

Project Development

Our members have experience working with the biggest mining Projects VP´s from the Andes region, and can add value to your project & contract management from initial studies, to engineering, building, commissioning and maintenance.

Mining and Extraction

Our members have interesting success stories providing products and services for the mining and extraction sector. You can read and get valuable insight about them here:

Plant Processing

AndesMETS members know that integrating mining processing technologies into new advanced mining systems can offer important benefits, including reduction in waste, increased productivity, and improved resource utilization amongst others

Mine Closure

Mine closure is a dynamic process that must consider environmental, social and economic factors. AndesMETS members fully recognize the crucial relevance of this stage and that of developing solutions to plan, manage and address these risks.

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About AndesMETS

AndesMETS is a network of experienced METS companies, successfully servicing the mining industry in the Andes region, currently driving our internationalization into new markets to contribute to a better mining industry for the world.


  • Access to Innovation and guaranteed Quality
  • International Growth
  • Scale & Acceleration
  • Contacts Network
  • Clusters & Synergy
  • Resources & Experiences